Calling all photographers! The New Orleans Photo Alliance, in partnership with the New Orleans Jazz Museum, is proud to present the return of UnderExposed (formerly PhotoNOMA). This one-day-only portfolio sharing event will feature the work of 70+ photographers displaying their work for a free community walkthrough. We will present a broad range of work celebrating multiple genres and techniques. New this year, UnderExposed will include a national speaker and closing reception for photographers and the public.
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
ASMP national speaker Todd Bigelow (Los Angeles, CA) presents “Protecting Your Work: Copyright Fundamentals for Photographers”
Free and open to the public thanks to the American Society for Media Photographers
3rd Floor Auditorium
2:30 to 5:30 PM
UnderExposed Portfolio Walk
Free and open to the public thanks to the New Orleans Jazz Museum
2nd Floor Auditorium
5:00 to 7:30 PM
Reception! Open to the public, cash bar
2nd Floor gallery