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Planet M

  • New Orleans Jazz Museum 400 Esplanade Ave. New Orleans United States (map)

Planet M: meditation + music + movement

Planet M is a ritualistic jam where musicians and movers gather and collaborate in a meditative manner. There will be no audience. Everyone will go through three phases of awareness practices including guided meditation and build connections through music and movement. 

No experience needed. 

Bring your comfortable clothes to meditate and move.

Bring your own instrument if you play music. 

Facilitator: Ryuta Iwashita

$10-20 donation

Ryuta Iwashita

Ryuta Iwashita (they/them) currently lives and improvises in Bulbancha (also colonially known as New Orleans) in the USA as a movement/performance/visual artist and educator after living in Japan for 25 years. Their artistic lexicons are rooted in dance improvisation, social justice, somatics, martial arts, child education, and ancestral work including 祖体 (SOTAI) of which Ryuta is its conceiver.